Sunday, April 10, 2005

How to Destroy Procrastination

Besides not having a definite purpose, the single biggest problem that keeps people from reaching a high level of success, is that good old enemy known as procrastination.

Putting things off indefinitely that should be done now is an all-too common problem in society today. In the 21st century, personal computers, cell phones, PDA’s, laptops, mp3 players, video games and 500-channel satellite television provide a ready made source of distraction more so than in any other time in history.

Indecision and withering imaginations are commonplace occurrences in the pop culture of today. Unfortunately, all this mental stimulation or as I like to say, mental medication, has left many individuals without definite goals, plans to achieve them or the ability to begin a seemingly difficult task in the first place.

Even with all this mental noise around us, there is a way to break it’s spell. The way to end procrastination is actually easy. Whenever you’re faced with a decision, instead of putting it off till later, DO IT NOW!

Those three little magic words can help spur you on to unimaginable levels of achievement. The Nike slogan, ‘Just Do It’ is appropriate as well. When you feel like procrastinating say to yourself, do it now or just do it and take immediate action from where you stand.

If you follow this simple rule of saying do it now over and over and then take action, it won’t be long until procrastination is a thing of the past in your life. Procrastination dies when presented with any action and repeated affirmations of action words will allow you to destroy this evil villain once and for all.

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