Wednesday, November 29, 2006

How You Can Break Into “The Internet Marketing Country Club” and Secure Your Online Success

Have you noticed how you always seem to see the same names and faces on the Internet?

Why is it that all these top gurus seem to have a closed-door “Internet Marketing Country Club” and HOW did they break into this club?

It’s easy to stand on the outside and think that these guys have somehow just magically worked their way into this small group based on who they know or some special sort of handshake. But the fact of the matter is that this “inner circle” of Internet marketers are no different to you.

The only key difference is that they have followed a SPECIFIC SET OF STEPS to become more and more successful to become part of “The Internet Marketing Country Club”. And that’s the important thing about making it BIG online - it’s not a total coincidence. It’s not down to luck..’s down to someone following a SPECIFIC RECIPE! You can follow simple instructions can’t you? Then you can be super-successful online, it is that EASY.

You can discover EXACTLY what these STEPS are in this FREE Report “The Internet Marketing Country Club”;

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Monday, November 27, 2006

Folic Acid Can Reduce Heart Disease

The scientific evidence is strong enough to justify using folic acid as a cheap and simple way of reducing heart disease and strokes, say researchers in this week's BMJ.

Debate continues over whether raised homocysteine levels in the blood (an amino acid implicated in the development of arterial disease) causes heart disease and stroke, and whether folic acid, which lowers homocysteine, will help reduce the risk of these disorders.

So heart expert, Dr David Wald and colleagues set out to clarify the issue. They examined all the evidence from different studies to see whether raised homocysteine is a cause of cardiovascular disease.

Some studies looked at homocysteine and the occurrence of heart attacks and strokes in large numbers of people (cohort studies), some focused on people with a common genetic variant which increases homocysteine levels to a small extent (genetic studies), while others tested the effects of lowering homocysteine levels (randomised controlled trials).

The cohort studies and genetic studies yielded similar results, indicating a protective effect from lower homocysteine levels, even though they did not share the same sources of possible error. The randomised trials were too small to be conclusive although their results were consistent with the expected protective effects of folic acid.

The conclusion that homocysteine is a cause of cardiovascular disease explains the observations from all the different types of study, even if the results from one type of study are, on their own, insufficient to reach that conclusion, say the authors.

Since folic acid reduces homocysteine concentrations, it follows that increasing folic acid consumption will reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke.

They therefore take the view that the evidence is now sufficient to justify action on lowering homocysteine concentrations, although the position should be reviewed as evidence from ongoing clinical trials emerges.

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Friday, November 24, 2006

The Successful Living Podcast 3: The Power of Focus

The Successful Living Podcast is a show designed to give honest advice about what it takes to succeed in the game of life. The Successful Living podcast will feature discussions on various self-improvement and business building topics.

In this episode, you'll discover the power of focus and how if developed, it can bring you anything you may desire. Plus will go through the four steps to having incredible focus in your own life.

The podcast runs a little over 12 minutes and provides important information that any success seeker needs to hear and reaffirm in their own lives.

You can listen to the show in streaming media here.

Or you can download the podcast by clicking here.

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Thursday, November 23, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving

No there isn't going to be an article today. This is a special day...a day for giving thanks.

Thanks for your family, good health, friends, good food and all that football! You gotta love Thanksgiving.

Seriously, you've worked hard all year building your body, mind and spirit, at least I hope you have. But today is a day to take it easy. Forget about your problems, stresses and all that stuff and focus on what's really important - spending time with loved ones and giving thanks for all that you have.

In the end, all that's really important is the love you shared along the way and how you lived your life. Everything else is just details.

In closing, I wish all of you a safe and Happy Thanksgiving.

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Monday, November 20, 2006

Program Yourself for Greatness

Are you ready to release a firestorm of success in your life? As 2006 comes to a close, do you hope and pray 2007 will be different? Better? More fulfilling?

If you do, I have good news. The secret to a fantastic new life is right between your ears. Don't believe me? Read on and find out.

Emile Coué, the French psychotherapist once said: "When the imagination and will power are in conflict, are antagonistic, it is always the imagination that wins, without any exception."

You can program yourself for success by understanding the power of imagination.

Imagination builds cities. Imagination makes dreams come true. Imagination will drive many to success, and you are a part of it. We know that imagination and rationalization don't go together so well.

When you dream, the right hemisphere of the brain and your subconscious mind are working and usually, you feel peace, you see compelling pictures and you hear beautiful sounds. Success is within your reach. But the problem is that the left hemisphere of the brain is also working and usually tells you "you can't do that" or "it's not for you" "You don't deserve it" "what if I tell my friends and family?" "You are crazy".

The truth is that you are unique and your contribution is important. You can make a difference and have success.

There are proven methods and techniques to program yourself for success. The only and necessary step to do that is to bypass your conscious mind. When done, your subconscious mind takes it over. You can freely dream and visualize yourself winning the game of life. By turbo charging your mind, you program yourself for success.

The three components to programming your mind are relaxation, visualization and affirmation.

1. Relaxation: the first key to mental programming for success.

As we start to relax our brain wave cycles start to slow down and our brain enters what is called the Alpha State in which the conscious mind has effectively fallen asleep, and our subconscious mind remains in control of our Autonomic Nervous System. During relaxation, the mind relaxes, the body unwinds. It is here where our thoughts slow down until they become so light they begin to float. It is here that we are able to restore, re-energize and empower ourselves and harness the power of the subconscious mind to help create long-lasting change. Alpha state is the gateway, the entry point that leads into the subconscious.

2. Visualization: the second key to mental programming for success.

Through relaxation you enter a state of creativity, essential for your success. You can induce new thoughts and new beliefs to your subconscious. You must hold the image of what you really want and act as if you already possess it. Remember, imagination rules your lives, frightens you, excites you or undermines you. Pictures can make you rich or poor, happy or sad. It's all up to you. Clear pictures, with rich details of what you really want, are critical factors to your success.

3. Affirmations: the third key to mental programming for success.

You can induce new thoughts and new beliefs to your subconscious by affirmations or suggestions. One of the power principles of the subconscious mind is the compliance principle meaning that part of the mind complies to where you direct it to go. In the book, the one minute millionaire" from Robert Allen and Mark Victor Hanson, one of the affirmations they encourage us to say is "I walk like a millionaire, I act like a millionaire, I am a millionaire." When you add intense feelings, it doubles or even triples the result. Really believe what you're inducing and watch the changes taking place around you.

Next, take action on any goals or plans the subconscious mind gives you. Remember, nothing happens without movement. Action is a key to lifelong success. And finally, be persistent. Many people give up on the above techniques because they don't get results right away.

That's not how life works. Nothing is instantaneous in nature, so don't expect it to be in your life either. Nature and life is a process with patience and persistence its keywords. Follow the steps above, keep doing them without fail, and magic will happen in your life.

You can program yourself for success. It's all about using the same tools and techniques that high achievers have used. Relax, visualize and affirm what you really want out of life. You can win and you deserve to win. It is reserved only for those who really want to go for it. Are you ready to take your personal and professional life to a whole new level?

To start your own resume writing business go to Write Powerful Resumes or to learn how to make lots of money by starting your own online business check out the Info Riches website.

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Friday, November 17, 2006

A Little Dark Chocolate May Help the Heart

Some "chocoholics" who just couldn't give up their favorite treat to comply with a study to test blood stickiness have inadvertently done their fellow chocolate lovers - and science - a big favor.

Their "offense," say researchers at Johns Hopkins led to what is believed to be the first biochemical analysis to explain why just a few squares of chocolate a day can almost halve the risk of heart attack death in some men and women by decreasing the tendency of platelets to clot in narrow blood vessels.

"What these chocolate 'offenders' taught us is that the chemical in cocoa beans has a biochemical effect similar to aspirin in reducing platelet clumping, which can be fatal if a clot forms and blocks a blood vessel, causing a heart attack," says Diane Becker, M.P.H., Sc.D., a professor at the Johns Hopkins University's School of Medicine and Bloomberg School of Public Health.

Becker cautions that her work is not intended as a prescription to gobble up large amounts of chocolate candy, which often contains diet-busting amounts of sugar, butter and cream. But as little as 2 tablespoons a day of dark chocolate - the purest form of the candy, made from the dried extract of roasted cocoa beans - may be just what the doctor ordered.

Researchers have known for nearly two decades that dark chocolate, rich in chemicals called flavonoids, lowers blood pressure and has other beneficial effects on blood flow. The latest Johns Hopkins findings, to be presented Nov. 14 at the American Heart Association's annual Scientific Sessions in Chicago, identified the effect of normal, everyday doses of chocolate found in ordinary foods, unlike previous studies that found decreased platelet activity only at impractically high doses of flavonoids equivalent to eating several pounds of chocolate a day.

"Eating a little bit of chocolate or having a drink of hot cocoa as part of a regular diet is probably good for personal health, so long as people don't eat too much of it, and too much of the kind with lots of butter and sugar," says Becker.

In the study, 139 people Becker - whom Becker somewhat tongue in cheek calls "chocolate offenders" - were disqualified from a much larger study looking at the effects of aspirin on blood platelets. The Genetic Study of Aspirin Responsiveness (GeneSTAR) was conducted at johnd Hopkins from June 2004 to November 2005 and enrolled more than 500 men and 700 women participants nationwide.

Shortly before aspirin dosing began for the subjects, they were told to stay on a strict regimen of exercise and to refrain from smoking or using foods and drinks known to affect platelet activity. These included caffeinated drinks, wine, grapefruit juice - and chocolate.

The non-compliers - who admitted to eating chocolate - were a diverse group who got their flavonoid "fix" from a variety of sources, including chocolate bars, cups of hot cocoa, grapes, black or green tea, and strawberries. And while they were excluded from the aspirin study, Becker and her team scoured their blood results for chocolate's effect on blood platelets, which the body recycles on a daily basis.

When platelet samples from both groups were run through a mechanical blood vessel system designed to time how long it takes for the platelets to clump together in a hair-thin plastic tube, the chocolate lovers were found to be less reactive, on average taking 130 seconds to occlude the system.

Platelets from those who stayed away from chocolate as instructed clotted faster, at 123 seconds.

"These results really bring home the point that a modest dietary practice can have a huge impact on blood and potentially on the health of people at a mildly elevated risk of heart disease," says study co-author Nauder Faraday, M.D., an associate professor at Johns Hopkins. "But we have to careful to emphasize that one single healthy dietary practice cannot be taken alone, but must be balanced with exercise and other healthy lifestyle practices that impact the heart."

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Monday, November 13, 2006

The Death of Internet Marketing

I just got an email about Mike Filsaime's Free Report called - "The Death of Internet Marketing"

I will admit, like you may be feeling now, that I thought it was some hyped up offer to get me to join for free and get some offer...

...Turns out I was wrong. Way wrong.

The bottom line is, this report really opened my eyes to what really is the death of Internet marketing. The good news is, the report also shows you what you need to know to succeed in the near future.

The times are changing and it would be a shame for anyone to not read this report and fail like many will.

I read it, and I wanted to share it with you ASAP.

I recommend you take a break from what ever it is you are doing if you can and get access to this report now.

Consider your future success by going here now...

The Death of Internet Marketing

Mike says it will only be available for a few weeks at most so do not delay.

This is really important for anyone thinking about doing business online or who is already online but not having the results they like.

Do yourself a favor and get the report and then read it, study it and use it. You'll be glad you did. And best if all it's free! What more could you want? Don't delay, go here now.

The Death of Internet Marketing

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Friday, November 10, 2006

Define Your Goals

Goal setting and planning are fundamental keys to a life of success and happiness. You should identify what you want to accomplish and how you'll carry out your plan. This is important when making positive changes and will help you succeed.

You must set short-term and long-term goals. These goals should be S-M-A-R-T:

S - Specific
M - Measurable
A - Attainable
R - Relevant
T - Time-based

We will use health and weight training goals as examples:

A specific short-term goal may be to start strength training; the long-term goal may be improving balance, or controlling your weight. This goal is easily measurable: Have you or have you not begun the program? Indeed, this is an attainable goal, as long as your doctor approves, and this goal is certainly relevant to living a long, healthy life.

Your goal should be time-based: you should read this book within 5 days, buy the equipment you need, and set your exercise schedule within the next 5 days. Start the program within the following 2 to 3 days.

The goals and time frame are entirely up to you. You may want to focus your long-term goals on improving a specific health condition, such as reducing pain from arthritis, controlling diabetes, increasing bone density to help combat osteoporosis, or increasing muscle mass to help with balance or weight control.

Or your goal may be to bowl or play tennis, or perhaps to do all of your own chores, such as cleaning windows or vacuuming. Your success depends on setting goals that are truly important to you and possessing a strong desire to achieve them.

Goal-Setting Worksheet #1
Identifying Your Short-Term Goals

Identify at least two of three of your own short-term goals and write them on your personal goal-setting worksheet. If you have more goals, write them down as well. Remember that each goal should be S-M-A-R-T — specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-based. Setting these short-term goals will help motivate you to make your long-term goals a regular part of your life.

I will talk to my doctor about starting this program.
I will buy the equipment I need and get ready to exercise within 2 weeks.
I will look at my calendar and schedule 2 or 3 45-minute blocks of time for exercise each week.
I will invite my spouse/friend/family member to join me in these exercises.

Goal-Setting Worksheet #2
Identifying Your Long-Term Goals

Identify at least two or three long-term goals and write them on your personal goal-setting worksheet. If you have more goals, write them down as well. What are your dreams and aspirations? Write down whatever your dreams are, no matter how big or outlandish they seem and begin at once to come up with ideas and a plan for their achievement. (Don't forget to use the S-M-A-R-T technique.)

I will do each exercise 2 or 3 times each week. Within 3 months, I will do each exercise with 5 lb. weights.
After 12 weeks of the program, I will take the stairs instead of the elevator.
I will be able to walk to the store or office.
I will do my own vacuuming.
I will play golf.
I will reduce some of the pain and stiffness from arthritis.

Think big. The life of your dreams is yours - but only if you know specifically what you want, how you plan to get it and the actions you take to achieve it.

To start your own resume writing business go to Write Powerful Resumes or to learn how to make lots of money by starting your own online business check out the Info Riches website.

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Monday, November 06, 2006

What Makes a Successful Entrepreneur?

Remember when renting a movie meant schlepping to the video store, pawing through the leftovers, and often paying a stiff late fee for the one you returned? Most of us grumbled, "There must be a better way," but then went about our business.

Not entrepreneur Reed Hastings, who founded Netflix in 1997 after paying $40 in late fees for the movie Apollo 13. Capitalizing on his frustration, Hastings created the online DVD rental company that allows customers to pick a wish list of movies, receive them in the mail and keep them for as long as they like.

The entrepreneur's gift, said Anthony Warren, director of the Farrell Center for Corporate Innovation and Entrepreneurship at Penn State, is the ability to see an opening. "They'll see opportunities in some complex picture of the world which mere mortals don't see. Entrepreneurship is a way of seeing."

Typically very focused, with strong social skills, entrepreneurs are persuasive leaders and great networkers who work productively with a high degree of autonomy, Warren added. Often, they achieve success by using someone else's resources to their benefit -- what Warren calls bootstrapping.

Netflix is a good example. Its founder piggybacked on an existing distribution network -- the U.S. Postal Service - and two innovations in technology. DVDs can be mailed easily in a way that videocassettes can't, noteed Warren, and the Internet allows customers to register their requests easily without ever talking to a live worker. Look out Blockbuster.

Surprisingly, many entrepreneurs don't realize what they are capable of achieving until they face a certain set of circumstances. "Only in talking to a number of entrepreneurs do I realize that a significant part of them never planned it," said Warren. "They stumble on an opportunity and they say, 'Well, why not?'"

Accounts of reluctant entrepreneurs show that entrepreneurial skills can be taught, said Warren. "For some people, I suspect there is a strong innate wish to be your own boss, but if you've just got that glimmer in your brain, we can certainly make that blossom."

In his undergraduate entrepreneurship class, Warren has students form teams - with no teammates from the same major. As they come up with ideas for their own companies, he explained, this diversity helps them connect the cross-disciplinary dots in the way that entrepreneurs typically do.

"That's where you get the spark," said Warren. "I think most people have those buried capabilities and if you can awaken them and provide them with the tools, off they go."

Warren, who has designed a four-day course to train high-school teachers to teach entrepreneurship, believes the skills students learn there can have broader impact. "The world is really changing," he said, "and we need to give every student some self-confidence that they can create their own opportunities."


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Friday, November 03, 2006

Red Wine and Life Span Study-Part 2

(This is part two of the report on lifespan and health involving a compound found in red wine)

How the Study Was Done

This study examined three groups of mice, one on a standard diet (SD), another on a high calorie diet (HC) with 60 percent of calories coming from fat, and a third group of mice on the same high calorie diet but also treated with resveratrol (HCR). At middle age, or roughly 52 weeks of life, the researchers put the mice on the different diets.

Survival Benefit

At 60 weeks of age, the survival rates of HC and HCR fed mice groups began to diverge and remained separated by a three to four month span. At 114 weeks of age, 58 percent of the HC fed mice had died, compared to 42 percent of the HCR and SD groups. Presently, the team has found resveratrol to reduce the risk of death from the HC diet by 31 percent, to a point where it is not significantly increased over the SD group. [Note: Given that mice are still living, final calculations can't be made.] "The median lifespan increase we are seeing is about 15 percent at this point," says Sinclair. "We won't have final lifespan numbers until all of the mice pass away, and this particular strain of mouse generally lives for two-and-a-half-years. So we are around five months from having final numbers, but there is no question that we are seeing increased longevity."

The team also found that the HCR fed mice had a much higher quality of life, outperforming the HC fed mice on motor skill tests. "The mice on resveratrol have not been just living longer," says Sinclair. "They are also living more active, better lives. Their motor skills actually show improvement as they grow older."

Reversing Genetic Pathways Triggered by High Calorie Diet

The research team also wanted to see if resveratrol could reverse the changes in gene expression patterns triggered by high calorie diets. Using liver tissue of five mice at 18 months of age from each group, the team performed a whole-genome microarray and identified which genes were turned on or off. The researchers then used a database generated by the Broad Institute that groups individual genes into common functional pathways to see where there were major differences.

"We made a striking observation," says Sinclair. "Resveratrol opposed the effects of high caloric intake in 144 out of 153 significantly altered pathways. In terms of gene expression and pathway comparison, the resveratrol fed group was more similar to the standard diet fed group than the high calorie group."

Improved Health Biomarkers: Glucose and Insulin

In humans, high calorie diets can increase glucose and insulin levels leading to diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. In the HC fed mice, researchers found biomarkers that might predict diabetes, including increased levels of insulin, glucose and insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1). Conversely, the HCR fed group had significantly lower levels of these markers, paralleling the SD group.

For example, a standard diabetes glucose test on the HCR fed group found considerably higher insulin sensitivity, meaning the HCR group had a lower disposition toward diabetes than the HC fed group. Lower insulin levels also predict increased lifespan in mice.

Organ Protection: Heart and Liver

Three pathologists examined heart tissue from the SD, HC, and HCR mice, and while not knowing which organ belonged to which mouse group, they looked for subtle changes in the abundance of fatty lesions, degeneration and inflammation. On a relative scale of 0-4, the assessment produced mean scores of 1.6 for the SD group, 3.2 for the HC group, and 1.2 for the HCR group.

The researchers also found that the livers of mice at 18 months of age on the HC diet were greatly increased in size and weight. Liver tissue studies of these mice showed a loss of cellular integrity, and a build-up of lipids, which is common to high fat diets. In contrast, the HCR group had normal, healthy livers.

Links to Calorie Restriction Lifespan Model

The researchers also looked for metabolic ties to resveratrol's impact: pathway changes that mimicked those caused by calorie restriction. They examined AMP-activated kinase (AMPK), a metabolic regulator that promotes insulin sensitivity and fatty acid oxidation.

It's been shown in previous work that the lifespan of worms has been extended by the addition of copies the AMPK gene, and chronic activation of AMPK is seen on calorie-restricted diets. The researchers examined the livers of the HCR fed group and found a strong tendency for AMPK activation, as well as two downstream indicators of its activity.

Calorie restriction and exercise have also been previously shown to increase the number of mitochondria in the liver. Mitochondria generate energy in cells. Through electron microscopy, investigators showed that the livers of the HCR fed mice had considerably more mitochondria than the HC group, and were not significantly different from those of the SD group.

"This work demonstrates that there may be tremendous medical benefits to unlocking the secrets behind the genes that control our longevity," says Sinclair, "No doubt many more remain to be discovered in coming years."

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Red Wine and Life Span Study

(Editors note: I wanted to share with you a just released report that may have major implications for human beings in the areas of lifespan and good health. I have broken the summary of the findings up into two parts).

Researchers have used a single compound to increase the lifespan of obese mice, and found that the drug reversed nearly all of the changes in gene expression patterns found in mice on high calorie diets - some of which are associated with diabetes, heart disease, and other significant diseases related to obesity.

The research, led by investigators at Harvard Medical School and the National Institute on Aging, is the first time that the small molecule resveratrol has been shown to offer survival benefits in a mammal. The study is reported in the November 1 advanced online edition of Nature.

"Mice are much closer evolutionarily to humans than any previous model organism treated by this molecule, which offers hope that similar impacts might be seen in humans without negative side-effects," says co-senior author David Sinclair, HMS associate professor of pathology, and co-director of the Paul F. Glenn Labs for the Biological Mechanisms of Aging.

"After six months, resveratrol essentially prevented most of the negative effects of the high calorie diet in mice," said Rafael de Cabo, Ph.D., the study's other co-senior investigator from the National Institute on Aging's Laboratory of Experimental Gerontology, Aging, Metabolism, and Nutrition Unit. "There is a lot of work ahead that will help us better understand resveratrol's roles and the best applications for it."

Resveratrol is found in red wines and produced by a variety of plants when put under stress. It was first discovered to have an anti-aging properties by Sinclair, other HMS researchers, and their colleagues in 2003 and reported in Nature. The 2003 study showed that yeast treated with resveratrol lived 60 percent longer.

Since 2003, resveratrol has been shown to extend the lifespan of worms and flies by nearly 30 percent, and fish by almost 60 percent. It has also been shown to protect against Huntington's disease in two different animal models (worms and mice).

"The 'healthspan' benefits we saw in the obese mice treated with resveratrol, such as increased insulin sensitivity, decreased glucose levels, healthier heart and liver tissues, are positive clinical indicators and may mean we can stave off in humans age-related diseases such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and cancer, but only time and more research will tell," says Sinclair, who is also a co-founder of Sirtris, a company with an author on this paper and which is currently in a phase 1b trial in humans with diabetes using an enhanced, proprietary formulation of resveratrol. [Harvard has license and equity interests with Sirtris, which is not a public company.]

Investigators identified resveratrol while looking for compounds that activate Sir2, an enzyme linked to lifespan extension in yeast and other lower organisms. For the last 70 years, scientists have been able to increase the lifespan of a variety of species by reducing their normal food consumption by 30 to 40 percent - a diet known as calorie restriction.

Through this research, scientists identified Sir2 as a key contributor to life extension. Without Sir2, for example, fruit flies see none of the benefits from either calorie restriction or treatment by resveratrol. The mammalian version of the Sir2 gene is SIRT1, which has the same enzymatic activity as Sir2, but modifies a wider variety of molecules throughout cells. Indicators in this study show that resveratrol might also be activating SIRT1 in mice, as well as other known longevity pathways.

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